Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Positioning the Esophagus Part 2
The American College of Gastroenterology recommends raising the head of the bed by 6” – 10” to combat acid reflux. I, personally, suffered for a number of years not even knowing I had a severe form of acid reflux called GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Finally, I went to my doctor who informed me of this condition and recommended a specific diet, weight loss, raising the head of my bed, and (easiest of all) popping a pill. In my case, the pill helped somewhat but didn't completely help my nighttime reflux; the medication manufacturers actually advise you to lift the head of the bed.
I suffered for many more years before I actually figured out how to lift the head of my bed in a simple, safe, practical manner. I designed Reflux Guard© because the medication, which I had expected to be the panacea to my problems, didn't help enough at night. Although I didn't expect much, by the second night, I started to feel better and didn't suffer from nighttime reflux. Within a week I was a different person!
I suffered for many years before I actually figured out how to lift the head of my bed in a simple, safe, practical manner. I designed Reflux Guard© because the medication didn’t quite help with nighttime Acid Reflux. Since the medication wasn't working and I was still in agony, I needed to figure out how to get some sort of relief. I never thought Reflux Guard© would be the panacea to my nighttime agony, but I did need to try something different. I hoped for some little improvement so I could get a decent night’s sleep. As it turns out Reflux Guard© worked better then I had ever imagined and now don’t travel without it. By the second night I started to feel better and now hardly ever suffer from nighttime Acid Reflux. Within a week I was a different person.
Thank You For Choosing
Our next post will about how Acid Reflux effects you teeth and what you can do about it. Don't let it ruin your teeth or smile.
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