Reflux Guard

My journey of agonizing pain from acid reflux to relief

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Study Show Strawberries Cut Risk of Esophageal Cancer

Study Show Strawberries Cut Risk of Esophageal Cancer

Is there great news just around the corner? The Wall Street Journal, April 7, 2011 recently reported on a study showing that freeze-dried strawberries slowed the growth of pre-cancerous cells in the esophagus.

Studies in rats also show that the intake of freeze-dried strawberries significantly inhibited tumor growth.

Every year about 16,000 new cases of esophageal cancer are diagnosed. Esophageal cancer is the fastest growing cancer in the US. Unfortunately, esophageal cancer is one of the worst, having some of the lowest survival rates of various cancers.

In a small study of 36 participants who ate freeze-dried strawberries, 29 showed a decrease in the histological grade of the pre-cancerous lesion of the esophagus. Head study researcher Dr. Tong Chen asserted that further testing is necessary to confirm the results. Dr. Chen also stated that it isn’t clear what anti-cancer agent causes the strawberries to have their beneficial effect.

Dr. Chen noted that freeze-dried strawberries have 10 times the ability to prevent esophageal cancer than fresh strawberries.

Esophageal cancer cases usually progress in the following order of symptoms. The first warning sign is usually chronic acid reflux. The constant assault of stomach acid rising into the esophagus causes the lining of the esophagus to actually change. This elevates the situation to a pre-cancerous condition called Barrett’s Esophagus.

People suffering from acid reflux need to take appropriate steps and prevent this process from happening. They should see their physician who will possibly recommend medication, but most likely will instruct them to eat properly, lose weight, lift the head of the bed, and commit to other healthy lifestyle changes.

In the next blog post, we will discuss various lifestyle recommendations you can follow to prevent esophageal cancer.

Help us save lives, please tell others you care about Reflux Guard and come back often for updates about esophageal cancer, acid reflux and general health.

Thank you,

The Reflux Guard© Team

Esophageal cancer
Acid reflux
Barrett’s esophagus